Waikerie SA

We made camp at Ramco Point Apex Park in the town of Waikerie on the River Murray. This town is home of  Nippy's Fruit juice. This is another painted silo town and it has only just been finished. The two separate silos were painted by Garry Duncan and Jimmy Dvate the theme "healthy river, healthy community" Duncan painted the semi abstract river landscape and Dvate the yabbie and bird design. The silos as of the time of this post had not yet had there official unveiling yet. These silos are the first to be painted on both sides one side facing the land, the other facing the river.

We did our usual drive around town and saw the riverboats at Hart Lagoon, walked past the Rain Moth Gallery that has a beautiful water feature out the front.

Ramco Point is on the River Murray and has campsites dotted along its banks, unfortunately for me the place was teaming with midgies, they are like mozzies only tiny and they found me and left me with multiple bites on my arms. One fun thing we did and this was Johns idea, his and hers flue jabs, another fun thing we did due to no time, bad weather or no access to water the washing had built up so we took off to the laundry mat and used the industrial size washing machine to do our washing, took it back to camp to hang out and dry.

Beautiful little town, clean, spacious and extremely friendly. Just out of town are heaps of grape vines and orange trees, we bought some oranges from a road side stall, small but very juicy.
