Iron Knob SA

We hit the road to a little town called Iron Knob one of the many mining towns that dot the South Australian landscape. We set up at Knobbies Caravan and Camp, it had allwe needed and there was no way you could miss the loo’s.  There was a huge camp kitchen, disable toot and all a short walk to anywhere.

The people of the town were a friendly bunch and one of the towns characters was Penny, she was filling in as barmaid at the pub, worked at the golf club and volunteered at the Tourist Info Centre/ museum, always had a smile and a quick funny comment to go with it.

The pub believe it or not used to be part of the school but due to a decline in pupils it closed. Somebody had the great idea to turn it into a pub. It was closed for a period of time as the owner had connections with a bikie gang, but it is open again and the beer is icy cold.

Iron Knob is a near perfect example of the changing fortunes of a mining town. In its boom time the population was over 3,000 workers all employed by, or already working for BHP. Today it is a typical, struggling mining town with closed shops and empty houses and a population of 150.
