Bordertown SA

We had decided to go to a caravan park at Bordertown as it was going to reach 47 degrees today, so we paid for power and the air conditioner ran all day and night.The park didn't have too many people staying so we weren't annoying any one.
This town started its life in 1852 when a direct route across 90 mile desert was being planned for gold exports from the Victorian gold fields to Adelaide. Police Inspector Alexander Tolmer was instructed to build a town as close to the border as was practical. He was a little miffed when the town was not named after him but his ego was easily appeased when a park bearing his name was constructed in the main street.

Bordertowns most well known resident was no other than Bob Hawke. His parents were Clem and Edith Hawke moved the family soon after Bob was born to WA, but that didn't stop the town proclaiming him as their own.

Other famous residents of Bordertown are a mob of White Kangaroos, they are a genetic strain of the Western Grey and are not albinos. In 1980 a big White Kangaroo was captured on a property near the SA/NSW border and was bought to the wildlife park at Bordertown. He became the proud father of a mob of White Kangaroos, a breading program followed and to date around 50 have been bred over the years.

We went to a very tiny town of Wolseley a little south of camp to have a look see at some fuel storage tanks that were put in place near the start of World War II. Camouflaged to look like farm buildings so they could not be detected from the air and far enough away from the town if they were seen and bombed. Since we were there and it was hot we also dropped on to the pub a nice icy cold beer.   

The best part of being at Bordertown it was my birthday so John and I had to go to both pubs in town to test the beer and the atmosphere. It was a tough choice as both were in walking distance from the van but in the end the Bordertown Hotel won. Lip smacking delicious meals, a bottle of white wine and my Hubby to spoil me what a great way to end the day.
